Piening GmbH | Germany | Löhne | Published since: 09.03.2025 on stepstone.de

Lagerhelfer (m/w/d)

You can work in the warehouse, receipt of goods or exit of goods. Our partner is one of the largest employers in the region. Become part of this team!!! Employees are welcome here. .

* After clicking the 'Read more' button, the original advert will open on our partner's website, where you can see the details of this vacancy and contact information. If you need a translation of this text, after returning to our website it will be prepared and you can read it by clicking the 'Translation' button.

You can work in the warehouse, receipt of goods or exit of goods. Our partner is one of the largest employers in the region. Become part of this team!!! Employees are welcome here.

There are several areas where you can work: - Input of goods> You help unload the truck and control the shipping documents. - Exit> Here packages and pallets are loaded onto the trucks. - Retour processing in warehouse> returned goods are unpacked. You control the content and balance it with the return ticket. Finally, the goods are repackaged.

  • Experience in the storage area is of advantage but not a must. You like to work in a team and you can rely on yourself.

  • You're used in the long term...no constant change. - After 9 months at the latest, a takeover will be decided. - No car? No problem! We'll organize a ride. - A modern workplace awaits you, a great canteen and a free car park right in front of the door. .

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ava Piening GmbH
80997  Löhne
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The text of this ad was translated from German into English using an automatic translation system and may contain semantic and lexical errors. Therefore, it should be used for introductory purposes only. For more detailed information, see the original text of the ad at the link below.

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