This website uses cookies and third party services

If you are over 18 years old, you can use our website without restriction.
We use cookies (including US providers) on our website to offer you maximum convenience. Registration and secure operation of the website are not possible without cookies. We also use the following third party services on our website:
  • Google Cloud Translation (more info, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy) to help compose the texts of the ads in several languages, as well as to translate the messages in chats. This service is only activated if you use the "translate" function when using the website.
  • Google reCAPTCHA v3 (more info, Privacy Policy) is used when filling out registration and contact forms to protect the website from spam and abuse. Using this service facilitates the process of filling out forms. You do not need to enter the captcha code every time because the human/bot check is done in the background.
  • OpenStreetMap (more info, Privacy Policy) to display interactive maps on our website enabling you to visually define the area of your jobs, orders, services, companies search etc. This service is required for the operation of the website.
  • Google Analytics (terms of service, analytics policies) for analyzing website performance, user behavior, and traffic patterns in order to optimize both its website and its advertising.
  • Matomo web analysis (Privacy Policy, more info) for analyzing the surfing behavior of our users. The software runs exclusively on the servers of our website. User data is only stored there. The data will not be passed on to third parties.
  • OpenAI ChatGPT (privacy policy, more info) to help you quickly create high-quality and engaging ad text. This service is only activated if you use the "Generate text" function when creating your ads.
When using Google services, the website addresses the Google servers located in the USA. During the connection to the Google servers, the IP address and other usage data of the website visitor, such as the type and settings of the browser, the type and settings of the device, the operating system are transmitted to Google. We would like to point out that the European Court of Justice has not certified the USA as having an adequate level of data protection, since the processing of your data by US authorities for control and monitoring purposes cannot be prevented. By clicking on "Agree all cookies and services" you agree to your use of third-party services such as Google (USA) and OpenStreetMap (UK) and their and our cookies.

For more information please see our

Please choose which cookies you want to allow:
Required cookies are important and allow you to access different parts of the site. These cookies are stored on your computer, smartphone, tablet or other device when you visit and browse or log into your user profile. These cookies are essential for the operation of the site and therefore cannot be excluded.
Analytical cookies allow us to take into account the number and sources of visits so that we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They allow us to understand which pages are most liked and least used, and how visitors navigate our site. If you refuse the use of these cookies, your visit will not be included in our statistics. We use Google Analytics visit monitoring as our analytics platform.
Matomo Analytics ist eine Alternative zu Google Analytics. Eine Besonderheit dieses Dienstes besteht darin, dass eine statistische Datenverarbeitung auf einem unserer Server durchgeführt wird, eine Weitergabe dieser Daten an Dritte ist somit ausgeschlossen.