Brücke Schleswig-Holstein gGmbH | Germany | Honigsee | Permanent position | Part time - flexible / Full time | Published since: 15.02.2025 on stepstone.de

Educator/special needs nurse or nursing professional (m/w/d)

Branch: Nursing, emergency medical ... Branch: Nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics

We're the bridge SH. This means almost 800 employees in nine circles and countless cities in Schleswig-Holstein. For about four decades we have been helping children, adolescents and adults in mental health and stabilisation. 3400 people trust us every year. And we trust in our employees. We offer flexible working hours and large personal design spaces. We work together, help each other and grow on and with the people we support. For our house in Preetz we are looking for one or more

Senior Consultant (m/w/d)

In full or part-time (19.5 to 38.5 hours), unlimited. .

* After clicking the 'Read more' button, the original advert will open on our partner's website, where you can see the details of this vacancy and contact information. If you need a translation of this text, after returning to our website it will be prepared and you can read it by clicking the 'Translation' button.

We're the bridge SH. This means almost 800 employees in nine circles and countless cities in Schleswig-Holstein. For about four decades we have been helping children, adolescents and adults in mental health and stabilisation. 3400 people trust us every year. And we trust in our employees. We offer flexible working hours and large personal design spaces. We work together, help each other and grow on and with the people we support. For our house in Preetz we are looking for one or more

Senior Consultant (m/w/d)

In full or part-time (19.5 to 38.5 hours), unlimited.

What you do

socially psychiatric care, accompaniment and care of people with mental illnesses

active participation of life in the housing groups and outpatient help

Documentation of care processes

Providing and ensuring the daily structure

comprehensive support for residents in their daily tasks and in crisis situations

individual case-related social-administrative tasks

Social-psychological care in the areas of health, everyday management, employment and social participation with the aim of integration

On-site intervention with our clients in case of crisis

Implementation of group offers in various areas of work

Implementation of work diagnostics, work therapy and work training individually and in groups

individual diagnosis

Implementation of ergotherapeutic measures based on the respective needs

Advice, diagnostic assessment and professional support of employees

Cooperation with institutions and providers of rehabilitation services

What you do (m/w/d)

Low professional experience in psychosocial rehabilitation

Knowledge of psychiatric disorders and/or addiction diseases

Experience in handling planning instruments, participation planning and documentation

High level of social competence, communication and reflectivity

Load capacity

Experience in working with groups, team skills

Empathy and respect for different life designs

Creativity and improvisation talent

Fun on responsibility and independent work

What we do for you

We take social responsibility at the SH bridge. We are committed to all people, including our employees. Our appreciation is not only a term, but a living part of the corporate culture. With us there is a children's supplement, short-sabbatical, bike leasing and we grant all those who come to work by bus or train. And these are just some examples of many. People are our hearts. Those who work with us just like those we work for. .

Company location


ava Brücke Schleswig-Holstein gGmbH
24211  Honigsee

The text of this ad was translated from German into English using an automatic translation system and may contain semantic and lexical errors. Therefore, it should be used for introductory purposes only. For more detailed information, see the original text of the ad at the link below.

For more information read the original ad

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